Bangkok day 10

Ade Cox
4 min readNov 15, 2018


Ade & Jos adventure day 10 : My liver hates me

So day 10… Honestly thought i’d struggle to write anything today being as i’d got nothing special planned….

So.. Jo went to work, I was left to my own devices… Spent a couple of hours playing about on photoshop….. My love for photoshop began a few years ago when I used to do Superman photomanipulations for various superhero websites (basically swapping actors heads on Superman images).. I then progressed to designing logos using photoshop.. Before going on to using my “skills” to restore photographs for a few people, which was fun for a while.. But to be honest i’ve not sat down and played with photoshop for a while.. Until today.. Playing about with some DC comics images.. Actually really enjoyed myself…

Had a message from Jo asking if i’d left the apartment at all.. Which I took as “get your arse outside you hermit” so I went out for a mini adventure to find the CentralWorld mall (Where we’ll be seeing Myles Kennedy and Slash in January).. So off I went… A short(ish) walk to the BTS line, hopped on the Mo Chit line to Chit Lom.. then a short walk to the Central World Mall.. Which is massive! Hit my first snag when the mall was closed off and a massive crowd of people had congrigated by wher ethe escalators should be… Turns out i’d managed to time my visit to coincide with a visit from the Thai royal family… So wandered around aimlessly for a bit, found out Centralworld was having it’s big Christmas lights switch on tonight, before deciding to try to find a way to the GMM Livehouse venue (where Slash and Myles will play in January) .. So one google search later I find that the venue is situated on the 8th floor of the building I was standing in… The escalators are all locked down by Thai security services, but the lifts are not (insert mission impossible music here) So off I go… I find the lift and press the level 8 button… The lift is quite full.. Almost everyone is gone by the time we reach level 7… By level 8 there’s just me and an Asian couple… We exit the lift…… Into the middle of an arena…. No ticket office.. No food vendor stalls.. Just as huge arena…. We look at eachother and (using the international sign language of “we done fucked up”) decide we shouldn’t really be here… The Asian dude finds a stairwell.. I’m frantically pressing the down button on the lift to no avail… The blokes wife/girlfriend is wandering around aimlessly.. So he heads for a staircase… Me and his wife/Gf follow… The door closes behind us and we start walking down… A few flights of stairs down and I realise there’s no numbers on any walls.. I’m scared we’ve wandered into a service area where we shouldn’t be… Eventually the bloke finds a door, open sit and it says on the outside wall “Level 7”.. He goes through.. I follow but his wife/GF carries on walking down the steps…. I escape… And without a thought for his wandering wife I made my way into the freedom of level 7.

Level 7 was interesting…. I found the official entrance to the GMM Livehouse…. I found lots of food stalls.. I found a cool looking cinema.. I found a toy/sci-fi, comic store… I found every escalator being blocked because of the royal visit.

So…. I find another elevator and make my escape…… Back to the safety of the hotel.

After a playstaion related afternoon I met Jo from work, walked back via the local Tesco, got back to hotel had a cheeky Bulleit Bourbon and coke while chilling out, followed by a cheeky Bulleit bourbon and coke while chatting to Nick on the phone… Followed by a cheeky Bulleit bourbon and coke just because I fancied one… At which point I was informed we were going down to the bar because Jo had a meeting with her boss.

It’s also happy hour.. But one Chang beer, get one free… So one Chang in and me and Jo are chatting by the bar, Jo dares me to bite the chilli that’s in the bowl of nuts on the bar.. I bite… I regret. Chang two and Jos boss turns up.. So i’m at the bar reading twitter, eating nuts and drinking…. Chang three.. Via Twitter Brian May makes a comment about the movie Bohemian Rhapsody… One of his followers makes a follow up comment… I find out something about the film that blows my mind… Chang four, Jo says we’re going off for dinner soon.. I reply “But i’m pissed!”.. Drunk me carries fourth Chang over to Jo and her boss, they’re still talking work stuff, all I can think about is my mind blowing Bohemian Rhapsody fact….

Fourth Chang is drunk..Drank… Drinked…. Gone.

Off for food…. Think i’ll have a soft drink with this thanks.

Burger and chips.. Quite nice.. Now we’re up the room, i’m typing this while Jo is asleep on the sofa… I’ll wake her once i’ve posted this hen my friends it’s off to bed … Night night.



Ade Cox

A working-class man from The Black Country, plucked from the factory and now living the best life in Bangkok