Bangkok day 6: Please be humble

Ade Cox
3 min readNov 11, 2018


Ade & Jos adventure day 6 : Please be humble

Sunday morning, the sun is shining and Jo has woken me at 7am with tea and toast.. Nothing at all to do with the fact she wants to go for a swim…

So in a short time she’s in the pool and i’m relaxing in the jacuzzi (Oh so very Rock n Rock)

A really nice start to the day, then off for breakfast (went a bit of script this morning and had rice for breakfast) I know.. I’m out of control.

after breakfast we set off on todays adventure, visiting a couple of the Buddhist temples in Bangkok.. A quick trip in the hotels tuktuk, a slightly longer ride on the skytrain and a boat ride and we were in Wat Arun… A beautiful temple, with tall towers all beautifully decorated… Absolutely stunning… As we entered there were signs on the walls calling for women to be modestly dressed, no short skirts.. Covered shoulders.. There was also a sign with a picture of a camera on it with the line “Please be humble”.. Which I took as “Don’t go using our temple as a backdrop for your sexy instagram pictures #prayerforallnotbareforall” .. Sadly some of the .. girls/women visiting this temple were far from humble.. And i’m guessing a few instagram posts with a pouting young lady with a temple in the background were posted today… Anyway, me and Jo were humble.. No sexy posing from us.

The temple at Wat Arun was busy but still peaceful, well worth a visit if you’re ever in Thailand..

A short walk and a ferry crossing over the river and we came to Wat Pho, the home of the reclining Buddha, after a snack in a little restaurant (which for some reason was playing jazz music) we ventured into Wat Pho temple, there was some kind of Thai festival going on with demonstrations of Thai culture.. We saw a traditional Thai puppet show which I have to say was weird but brilliant.. A walk around some smaller temples before we came to the reclining Buddha.

I’ve seen video/pictures of the reclining Buddha before, but I wasn’t expecting him to be as big as he was… Hundreds of people taking photographs…Praying.. It was truly amazing.

A ferry ride, boat ride, train ride and we were back home in Phrom Phong… off for lunch at the Robin Hood (English) pub.. Steak!.. Nice but.. Not the best we’ve had… And bloody expensive Guinness! Almost £7 a pint! I love Guinness but bloody hell, £7 is a joke. Lager for me from now on me thinks.

After a nap at the hotel we decided to have a drink in the hotel bar…. And Jo beat me at pool again… Jo’s new boss messaged to say he was in a bar close by and asked if we wanted to join him for drinks…. Be rude not to!

So…. We end up in a bar called Queen Bee in Bangkok.. A nice little place with reasonably priced beer and live music.. I’d like to go there again at some point…. Maybe tomorrow :)

A quick look around the 7eleven on the way home.. Jo is now trying to find cheese spread (but it looks like it doesn’t exist here).. It also dawned on me that i’ve not seen potatoes anywhere….

No mashed potatoes? How am I supposed to survive?

Jo starts her new job tomorrow.. So I think we’ll be heading off to bed soon… Night night.



Ade Cox

A working-class man from The Black Country, plucked from the factory and now living the best life in Bangkok